Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Fall Fun

Goldie and Tootie and a neighbor.  Sometimes the kids ask to have their picture taken when they're having fun, when I wouldn't have thought of pulling out the camera.  Those pictures can be some of the best.

We finally got around to taking down the birthday balloons we had hanging up in our dining room, and wanted to make a little more use of them, so Tootie and I invented "the birthday stick".  He carried this with him in the stroller on our outing downtown to the library and it was quite the good time, yes it was.

I just love this sign.  It's at the edge of the Lutheran Church parking lot where Tootie goes to school.  I wish we had one at our own church parking lot : )!

We had fun examining this "Ladybug tree".  There must have been hundreds of ladybugs on and around it.  And believe it or not, this is the first time in my life I have ever seen such PINK ladybugs!  I knew there were yellow and orange ones, but pink?  That's perfect!

Here we are on a very fun little hayride, a great way to celebrate the fall. 

The kids had a lot of fun worrying about the other hayride truck catching up to us.  We were in the lead, and we won the "race".  It was funny how they kept imagining our lead shrinking and expanding, since both tractors were just going about 5 miles an hour.

Shark couldn't have been more pleased with our Philadelphia Zoo experience, because we got in some high quality lion-watching time.  They didn't do anything amazing for us, but at least they weren't in hiding like they were when we went to the Oregon Zoo. 


Philly Zoo...see you again soon.


Cynthia Lovell said...

Very Cute!!! LOVE the pictures!!! Really MISS you guys!!!

Amy Lovell said...

I know you live in a small little town, but I'm kind of jealous. You're so close to so many big, awesome cities! I hope you guys get to take advantage of that often! Go to DC next for me, ok?! You'll LOVE it.

Beth said...

Great pictures! And I love your descriptions too. That mission field sign is so great!

I also really love those pictures at the zoo. I've been to that zoo many times! It's so great. I'm glad you guys went.

ryoon said...

Hi it's Rebecca! that Mission Field sign is at my church! Who knew we have something in common already. I am very excited to meet you. You have a beautiful family :)

Lovell Family said... the updates! being from Ohio, do I talk like a pennsylvanian? Also, in Ohio I lived in the City of kent, but I was in the brimfield township school district...yeah, never made much sense....

Elizabeth said...

OK, I know I read this. I must have just commented in my head. I can't believe I'm SO far behind.

Love that LadyBug tree! Do you mind if I use that photo?

And those orange smiles are so funny!

Also, the zoo is awesome! Hope you get to go lots.

xo -E