Monday, May 28, 2012

Jungle Book

Didi auditioned for her 5th grade musical, and got one of the few solo singing parts:  she got to be Kaa, the snake!  The set was amazing, and the kids worked very hard through three months of after-school rehearsals.  Ever since Didi was in a Shakespeare project group in Eugene, she's loved acting and is getting really good at it.  I wish you could have all seen her shine in this role as Kaa, it was so much fun!

Opening night for the musical was on my birthday.  What a great way to celebrate my birthday, in the audience of one of my favorite performers!  So we had a quick dinner and dessert before heading over to the show.  JeLLo cheesecake--my requested dessert.  Yum!

Didi captured my reaction here to a great birthday surprise for me--Jazz gifted me something I've "needed" for a LONG time:  a GPS!  The kids will all be happy to not have to endure so many U-turns.  : ) 

the elephants

"Trust in meeee!  Just in me...close your eyes, and trust in me!  Slip into silent slumber..."  The best song in the show :)!

Congrats from Dad after the show

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Kaa and Mogley

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Kaa and Mogley's girlfriend from the man village ; )

Her costume was really fun.  She had to carry the tail coiled around her arm when she paraded to and from the stage during the group numbers, and she and the other kids got kind of hot in these costumes.  But, so cute.

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with the directors

with Baloo and Bagheera
We're so proud of Didi for being brave on the stage!  It was so much fun to watch her!


Bryan Elkins said...

Great costumes. I could see from the ensamble that a lot of kids had a ball putting it on. I can see the elephants tramping through the woods and the crows singing their friendship song. That would really have been a fun play to watch. Hope she continues to have fun in such productions.

Lindsay said...

WOW! SUper impressive Didi. I was expecting something low key when I heard about the play, but wow! Looked amazing. Wish I could have seen it. So proud of you, Didi!

Beth said...

What a great idea for a play! She looks adorable in her Kaa costume. How fun! Way to go, Didi!!

controlling craziness said...

Sounds like a great birthday. And a great job to DiDi!!!

Boquinha said...

Wow! That's quite the costume -- did you make it or did the school take care of it? Impressive - a solo part! Congratulations to Didi!

Cynthia Lovell said...

Wow, that was an amazing show!!! How Great to live in an area where they take pride in such things! Wonderful opportunities for the kids!! I'm very Impressed!!! Dana looks like a natural! We're so happy that she had this chance to show her talents. I'm sure this has made her feel much better about PA. Happy Birthday to you Jenna! I left signed addressed cards etc. for you and Julie so that you'd be sure to get them by your birthdays--shockingly Chad forgot. He was sorry!

Amy Lovell said...

So fun, I wish we could have been there to hear/see her perform. I love how talented your kids are, they're such little stars!