I am in a very bloggy mood. I have been reading so many great things from so many cool people that I know, who have become writers in the last few years, and I find myself wanting to be just like them.
I feel like I have so much I want to write about, so many opinions worth explaining to you, stories I want to share with you... I don't find it in me to become a fiction writer, but that's okay if that's not my calling. I know the fiction world is in great hands with friends of mine that have talents in that area!
I've especially been inspired this week by a new young writer that I met, who is just 12 years old. She blogs, has written story after story, and has won awards...and as I read her blog, I forget that I'm not reading the writings of someone my same age. I'm feeling so inspired.
I completely understand why people write for a living. I get these little baby ideas in my head that want to grow up to be big kid ideas and grown-up ideas by coming out of my head and maturing through the written word. I think I am deciding that I am going to blog a little more in the coming days. Just to see where my little wannabe writer skillz can take me.
But for now, I would like to just share some great family photos with you, since I love to do that too, and I feel there's much to offer by way of a photo update. Here goes:
Did you know that our family was involved in a short musical performance called a Road Show a couple months ago? Jazz and I were asked to assist a few other adults in directing the youth in our church in a 5-8 minute musical production of our own composition, to be performed with other scenes from other youth groups in the area. We came up with the them of "B Y High School Musical" to go along with the regional theme of "Arise and Shine Forth". We took a song from the movie High School Musical and expounded on it...changed the words just a tiny bit, added a script of our own, and then helped these fun kids learn it and perform it--all in 24 hours (the working with the youth part was to be done in one weekend, nothing more). It was a whirlwind weekend, and pretty crazy, but worth it for one simple reason: we know we created some wonderful memories for these kids. And isn't making memories what being a kid is all about? Heck, I guess it's what being a grown up should be all about too. So yes, Jazz and I found it to be a LOT of work, and it's not something we would volunteer to do again out of the goodness of our hearts, but if we were called upon to do it again...um...well let's not think about that. Let's just remember that our kids had a blast, and they did an awesome job of performing. If it had been a competition (as Road Shows used to be in years past), our group would have won ; ). |
Shark loved being the high school mascot. Lucky for us, there is a school nearby with Cougars as their mascot, and someone had this awesome costume for us to borrow. |
Goldie got to be one of the "book nerds" in the cast. She, Didi, and Tootie were technically under age since it was supposed to be an activity for the teenagers (or kids ages 12 and up), but since their parents were on the production team, they got to be in the cast (otherwise we would have had to find babysitters for the entire weekend). They had a great time! |
Tootie was in the closing segment as a member of the rock band. He tells everybody now that he plays the guitar. |
Here we are giving a last run through in the parking lot right before the performance. |
Didi got to be a cheerleader in the cast, and got pretty good at this stunt : ). |
The production team that we worked with was made up of some of our most favorite people since we've moved here. If we had to do this again, we'd definitely want them on our team. Especially since they're the ones that requested that we be their assistants this year, and turnabout is fair play, ha ha. ; ) |
It is fun to see the different activities the Church provides in different areas of the world. Glad you could all participate. I particularly liked the tiger costume and the fun it must have been to have that part. Tootie's hair was amazing. And the girls must really have had fun, too. Great blog.
Super cool! Glad to see you and Jefe are using your awesome talents for something so fun for everyone. I wish I could have been there to see the performance.
Sounds like a ton of work in a whirlwind weekend! I must admit that I haven't ever seen High School Musical. I'm not convinced that I'm missing anything, but I really don't know that much about it (other than it's Disney's). :P
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