Tuesday, August 28, 2012

My New Blog: Happily Ever Writing

Dear Everyone,

I must let you all know that I have started a new blog.  It's going to be for all of my writings, especially the non-family related stories.  I may continue to post some of the writings in both places, but I will probably reserve this one for family news (with more photos), and the other one for my "Look at me, I'm a writer!" kind of writings.  For example, my book chapters for "The Falling Part" will be in both places because it's about me and my personal/family history, but things I do for writing practice or simply my opinions and such will be over there.

Sooo....will you please visit my blog over there, and follow me in both places?  I'll be your best friend if you do! ; )

Here's my new blog:


Thanks for reading!!!  (and commenting!)


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