Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Healthy Goals--an invitation


I have been thinking.   That's what I do.   I realized that there are about 4 weeks left until my family reunion with my siblings (which in case you didn't know, I'm really excited for), and I decided that's just the right amount of time for me to set some good short-term goals.  

My sister and I discussed the pros and cons of our past reunion's activity of doing an auction, where for the month before the reunion, everyone earned points they could spend by doing things like service, reading scriptures, whatever.   We decided not to repeat this activity this year, which is fine because we have tons of other great stuff planned (thanks, Lala !).   Nevertheless, I've decided I would like to set up a points program and do some goals for my own family here, and some by myself, too.   I wanted to share them with you, to see if anyone else would like to join my bandwagon and set their OWN individual goals, and share their progress with me or all of us.   Is anyone else in the mood to set, work towards, and achieve some goals in one month's time?

Here are the goals I'm setting for myself:

I would like to lose 5 lbs before the reunion.   I already exercise 5-6 days a week consistently, but I haven't been watching what I eat at all.   So, I'm going to start doing that.   Writing down what I eat has always been extremely effective for me, but it's been really hard for me to stick with it for longer than a couple of weeks.   I'm going to write down what I eat 6 days a week, and 1 day I don't have to write.   I won't be tallying up points everyday, but I have a pretty good idea of what's great and what's good and what's not-so-good.   So that's my plan, and I'm going to see how it works.   (And I'll focus on eating more veggies and fruits and I'm going to measure my portions, and all that good stuff).

We could use a boost in our family scripture reading, so I'm going to set a goal of reading with my kids or as a whole family 5 days a week.   I'm going to make a chart that we can color in to measure our progress.  

I want to reward my kids for doing their chores on time, and practicing the piano on time each day, so I'm going to make a chart for them to earn points for that.   I will have a special reward for them for earning a certain number of points as a group, and individually, and I'll let them help me decide what kind of rewards they would like.

I would also like to think up a list of RAKs (random acts of kindness) that I can reward people in my family for.   Here are some of my ideas:
-write a letter to someone and tell them you love them
-clean something without being asked that's not part of your chore
-Take a deep breath when you're feeling mad, and walk out of the room too cool down
-read the scriptures on your own for at least 10 minutes
-read a book to Tootie
-getting off the computer or Wii when time is up with no complaints
-help Tootie clean up his messes
-set a personal goal and achieve it
-work on Faith in God requirements
-admitting you're wrong and saying "I'm sorry"
-help someone else work on their chores (including Mom)

I welcome other ideas for my RAK list!  

If anyone would like to join me in setting a goal of any kind, I would love it.   If not, just tell me I'm gorgeous and that will be good enough.  Or not ; ).  Any support is appreciated!


Cynthia Lovell said...

Great Job!!! Let me know how it goes! I Love your RAKs!!!

Lindsay said...

Good job and good luck. We have set some goals for this year and so far have not done so well!!! So annoying. But, tomorrow is a new day, right?! How fun that you have your reunion to look forward to.

Elizabeth said...

Well, first, you're gorgeous!

Second, I am not doing very well with my New Year's goals, so I'm thinking I might redouble my efforts.

One of my goals is to read scriptures every day. In the last two weeks, I've been doing better than I have since I started, but I'm still not at every single day. So, I'm going to continue to focus on that because Scriptures are good for you.

One of the other goals I set for myself was to be a consistent getter-upper-in-the-mornings. I hate mornings. But I have to be at work at 10:00. So, I set the goal to get up at 7:00 am every day and shower and get ready before I help the kids get ready for school. That way, after they leave, I can have a little over an hour of quiet/free time. Part of that time is devoted to scripture study and then if I'm all ready, I can sew or blog or whatever until I need to go to work. My problem is that I don't have very good judgement when I'm asleep and I am so comfortable {and tired} that I just want to stay in bed until I absolutely HAVE to get up. It is a matter of trading off benefits. So, I probably should make a goal to be in bed by 11:00 pm every night, instead of 11:30 or midnight. I'm just a night-owl though. Which I love. But I hate mornings.

OK, so, I've rambled on way too much. But thanks for re-evaluating my goals with me. Fun post.

xo -El

Elizabeth said...

P.S. A RAK at my house would be not complaining about what I fixed for dinner.

Jennifer Lovell said...

Thanks for your comments, guys! I appreciate your votes of confidence.

I've done well my first two days of writing things down. I decided on my weekly reward for doing so: after I manage to write my eatings down for one whole week, I will reward myself with 1 hour of Shutterfly time, to work on making my 2010 family yearbook. After my second week, I will give myself 2 more hours, 3rd week, 3 hours, and 4th week, 4 whole hours. It will be great! I have been wanting to get started on that project, and can't wait to earn that privilege.

Anonymous said...

This is great Jenna! I think we'll do this for FHE tonight. We need a good goal revamp. I'll keep you updated on our progress. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

yes, so we're on on a goal high thanks to your post! My big one is I get to color in a star for everyday without a treat. not saying I am not eating treats, but it makes me think about which treats are worth it. Anna's excited about all of her goals, and especially likes the one I left open called "being a really good helper". She has been asking all day if she could carry something for me, or pick stuff up to color in a star. Brian's will be interesting... he might have set too big of goals, but the one he really needs is to let up on the soda. We'll see how it works. I threw together a quick chart with 70 stars that we color in, and anna is winning.. Oh, another good one was anna gets a star when she tries and eats a new vegtable. Day one has been a success.. good luck to you and your family.