Sunday, August 29, 2010

Summer Campers

Everyone in our family got sick the week of this camp out. Goldie and Didi, and Mom & Dad all got through with our illness before we got to the campsite, but Tootie and Shark suffered while we were there. It was a rough time, but isn't "roughing it" supposed to be part of camping? We had a nice time anyway, especially visiting with Jazz's family in the beautiful setting--the scenery in the redwoods was beautiful.


Elizabeth said...

This looks like a fun trip for your family! I'm so glad you got to do so many fun things this summer.

Glad you weren't sick while camping, but feeling extra sorry for the little campers who had the flu. When you're sick, there's no place like home.

xo -E

Cynthia Lovell said...

I Loved the camping trip!!! I wish the kids hadn't been sick, but it was still fun. I don't think Big Basin gets any colder than when we were there, so we could try it again. I Hope.