Thursday, May 27, 2010

"Something in [the] Store"

A couple of weeks ago, Dad took all of the kids with him on an outing to Barnes and Noble bookstore (he was giving me a break, so I could have a few minutes of quiet at home, how nice!). Goldie discovered something at the store that she REALLY wanted. It cost $12, and she had about $6 left of her own spending money (left over from Christmas, I believe). When she got home, she told me all about it, and for days she still never forgot about it. It was a copy of the New Testament enveloped in a wrap that made it look disguised as an adorable little girl's purse--pink and with flowers, handle, and all.

Then one day she came home from school SO excited--she couldn't wait to show me the fortune she had received in a fortune cookie. She read it to me, saying, "A pleasant surprise is in THE STORE for you!!!" She couldn't believe it! She KNEW it was talking about that purse book. I giggled, and tried to point out that when she had unknowingly added the word "the" (it of course actually read "in store for you"), she had changed the meaning, and I tried to explain what it really meant. But I let her continue to be excited, and since Jazz and I had already talked about it, I told her we could decide on some extra chores for her to do so she could earn it. We let her work for about 3 days doing extra chores, and now the "pleasant surprise" that was once "in [the] store", is now in her happy possession : ). Who knew...those fortunes really can come true!


Lindsay said...

What a sweetheart.

Elizabeth said...

Jenna, I love the way you talk about your kids. That was a really sweet story!

Anonymous said...

SO Cute! What great a great lesson!

Lovell Family said...

THat story is so would have made me want to take her to the store right then....I need to get my kids earning more things!!!!